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Those Elusive HOA Fees

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Depoe Bay, Oregon

This  small village of 1,400 on the northern coast of Oregon boasts the smallest harbor in the world, according to locals. The average age is almost 57 years old.  It is a very cute little town on a quiet part of the coast. More »

Has the Pandemic Changed Your Outlook on Where to Retire?

Nothing like several months of being confined to quarters to give you time to think. Our faithful Site Moderator, Flo, has writtten a thoughtful piece on how the Covid-19 crisis has started to reshape her thinking about how and where to retire.  More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Always Elusive HOA Fees

There aren't many buttons hotter than HOAs and the fees they charge. With no central repository of information, you do have to do some work to find and understand what you might be paying for. More>>

Winter Haven, Florida

Winter Haven has a chain over 50 lakes within the city limits that residents enjoy walking along. A new library is a key part of the downtown. Although Cypress Gardens used to be a big draw here, it has been replaced by Legoland.  More >

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